SGI MineSet 2.5
SGI MineSet 2.5.iso
Text File
133 lines
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5. _A_l_i_a_s_|_W_a_v_e_f_r_o_n_t__L_i_c_e_n_s_i_n_g
5.1 _L_i_c_e_n_s_i_n_g__A_l_i_a_s_|_W_a_v_e_f_r_o_n_t__p_r_o_d_u_c_t_s
Alias|Wavefront products are licensed as described in the
section "FLEXlm Licensing", except for the differences
described in this chapter.
5.2 _A_l_i_a_s_|_W_a_v_e_f_r_o_n_t__L_i_c_e_n_s_e__F_i_l_e__C_o_n_v_e_n_t_i_o_n_s
FLEXlm node-locked licenses for Alias|Wavefront products are
always kept in the file /var/flexlm/aw.dat on the node-
locked host.
FLEXlm floating licenses are kept in the file
/var/flexlm/aw_<hostname>.dat where <hostname> is the name
of the license server machine.
5.3 _L_i_c_e_n_s_e_M_a_n_a_g_e_r_
The LicenseManager can be used to install FLEXlm licenses
for Alias|Wavefront products after the LicenseManager "A|W"
mode installation option has been selected.
Start LicenseManager from the toolchest and click the
"Options" button. In the Options panel that is displayed,
select "Alias|Wavefront" installation mode and click "OK" to
accept this selection. You may now enter FLEXlm licenses for
Alias|Wavefront products.
Alternatively you can start LicenseManager from the UNIX
command line by using the "-vendor" flag:
LLLLiiiicccceeeennnnsssseeeeMMMMaaaannnnaaaaggggeeeerrrr ----vvvveeeennnnddddoooorrrr aaaawwww
See the LicenseManager(1M) manual page for more information.
5.4 _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_i_n_g _F_L_E_X_l_m _N_o_d_e-_l_o_c_k_e_d _L_i_c_e_n_s_e_s _f_o_r
_A_l_i_a_s|_W_a_v_e_f_r_o_n_t _p_r_o_d_u_c_t_s
FLEXlm node-locked licenses for A|W products can be
installed using the License Manager or directly entered into
the into the file /var/flexlm/aw.dat using a text editor.
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5.5 _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_i_n_g_F_L_E_X_l_m
A FLEXlm floating license can be installed by using
LicenseManager or by directly entering it into the floating
license file /_v_a_r/_f_l_e_x_l_m/_a_w_<_h_o_s_t_n_a_m_e>._d_a_t, where <_h_o_s_t_n_a_m_e>
is the name of the license server host.
Newly installed FLEXlm floating licenses are not available
for use unless the licensing daemon lmgrd(1M) is running,
and the new contents of the license file have been read.
If the FLEXlm floating license was installed using License
Manager, release 3.3 or higher, License Manager will
automatically start the licensing daemon if it is not
already running, and have the daemon read the license file
with the new floating licenses.
If the license was installed manually, this license will not
be available for use until the license daemon is properly
configured and started as documented in the following
When floating licenses are installed using LicenseManager,
the FLEXlm license server program is automatically started
when you exit LicenseManager.
The FLEXlm license server can be started manually:
////eeeettttcccc////cccchhhhkkkkccccoooonnnnffffiiiigggg aaaawwww____fffflllleeeexxxxllllmmmm oooonnnn
////eeeettttcccc////iiiinnnniiiitttt....dddd////aaaawwww____fffflllleeeexxxxllllmmmm ssssttttaaaarrrrtttt
The license server can be stopped using the command:
////eeeettttcccc////iiiinnnniiiitttt....dddd////aaaawwww____fffflllleeeexxxxllllmmmm ssssttttoooopppp
For complete information about installing and using FLEXlm
with Alias|Wavefront products, please refer to your
product's Installation Guide.